Monday, January 17, 2011

Change of Plans

I know, I know.  You guys thought I fell off the planet, right?  It feels like I did.  November and December are CRAZY months in the retail world!  Especially when you're trying to work as many of the 7am-12am hours you possibly can to cut back on payroll!  Needless to say, between managing work and home I had zero time to blog.  I just wanted to let you all know that I've decided to discontinue my journal entries...... on this blog :)  I think that I need to keep work with work and personal stuff separate. So for those of you that have drawn strength and inspiration from this blog you are more than welcome to join me on my new blog: Dear Journal.  I've deleted all of the blog posts from this and transferred them to that location.  I want to make sure that I finish the story that I started so that you all can see God's hand at work in my life! 

From this point forward, this blog will be used to help promote and execute the vision that God has given us for Unbowlievable-- To spread hope, one bow at a time.

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